Why Intentional CFO Blog?

Why Intentional CFO Blog? Let’s face it accounting is not the sexiest thing and can really hold a small business owner back. Frankly, I am sick of standing by and watching small businesses fail and dreams crushed over poor financial decisions. This blog hopes to give small business owners, entrepreneurs, and side business operators the information they need to survive. Most people want to see their business succeed and grow but don’t want to hire a CPA or a financial advisor.

The Goal of Intentional CFO Blog

My goal is to provide as much value as possible and hopefully give my readers insightful, relevant content they need to crush it in their business.  Many businesses feel that their business is not big enough or are too cheap to hire a CPA so they scour the internet for a technical knowledge-base and piece together the answers to their questions.  I want to ensure that your business does not become just another statistic.  “According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months.”

With your participation, this platform can be the trusted source for accounting and finance information geared solely toward small business owners, entrepreneurs, and part-time business operates.  Why Intentional CFO Blog?  Too often businesses in the small towns, rural areas and even on the internet are neglected with the current topics outlined in most media.

Although I am a CPA, I am an entrepreneur first and want to bring a new light to the often overly complicated areas of accounting/finance so that the small business owner can be better informed and in turn earn larger profits.  The small business is the backbone of our economy and for many of us it is the best way to change the trajectory of our lives.

Starting and growing a business is hard work and requires perseverance.  However, the upside and rewards are limited only to what you dream.  So Think Big!!

My Commitment to the Reader

I am not the end all be all on all things finance and can’t replace the great advice your local CPA can give you.  However I promise to give you as much value and truth as humanly possible while keeping it real.  With that that said, I want to be as transparent as possible with everything I do online.  I want to share the wins and failures in accounting/finance that I see every day in business so you can learn and reach your goals.  The Intentional CFO blog will give you real-life useful information, case studies, and recommendations based on experiences of real business owners.

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